World News

Gaza faces devastating famine amid accusations of Israel’s “Starvation Campaign”

Finally, UN human rights authorities have charged a reprehensible act against Israel, claiming that the country is deliberately starving Palestinians in Gaza, with many kids losing their lives.

Forcing the Palestinian people to starve intentionally and selectively is genocidal and has led to famine in all of Gaza, ten independent UN specialists said in a statement recently.

Israel’s delegates in Geneva have strongly denied these allegations against the experts, stating that they are misleading the audience and supporting Hamas escalation.

However, the behavior and status on the ground depict an unfortunate reality of the above situations. Officials in Gaza speak of at least 33 children deaths caused by malnutrition, the majority of them in northern Gaza, where until recently, Israel launched most of its strikes.

Recently, the UN-endorsed Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) has stated the high risk of famine in Gaza; according to this classification, 495,000+ people are in the ‘CAT 5: catastrophic’ level of food insecurity.

The situation constantly worsens, and the attitudes at the international level differ: on the one hand, there’s Israel claiming its defense right; on the other, UN experts are accusing the state of organized starvation of the Palestinians.

Al Jazeera

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