World News

Gaza faces dire humanitarian crisis amid ongoing conflict

The military hostilities in Gaza have brought out human tragedy, and displaced people are under great suffering as the conflict continues, according to the humanitarian agencies.

As for the situations, as the deputy executive director of the World Food Programme Carl Skau provides the audiences with the demanding scenes of the war-torn countries. He also stated, ‘One million displaced persons in the southern Gaza Strip are located in open areas with no access to safe water or hygiene facility.’ ‘‘It is very hard to describe the level of destruction; it just makes one shudder,’‘.

Local hospitals documented claiming that twenty-five Palestinians were killed in Gaza on Friday alone, including a baby, in the overnight bombardment of the Tuffah and Shujayea districts of Gaza City. Before the explosions, there were people killed and many more injured, the number of dead being 14 and many injured.

Adding to this nadir, the Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, announced that Israeli air strikes led to the death of two Israeli captives who were in the custody of the group in the Gaza Strip.

As the death toll rises and the destruction continues, The seven-nation bloc comprising the G7 leaders met in Italy and urged unfettered access to the UNRWA in Gaza. Speaking about UNRWA and other UN organizations, the leaders focused on providing a clear signal for the UN agencies’ operations to safeguard the people of the regions by providing them with the aid they need, especially women and children.

The civilian casualties are often high, and since October 7, at least 37,266 have been killed and 85,102 injured. The new death rates as a result of the bomb attacks from the Hamas in Israel are 1,139, with several others detained in the Gaza area.

With the situation in the theatres of operation steadily worsening, the international community is calling for all parties to exercise maximum restraints and abide by the laws of war on the treatment of civilians, as well as allow for the provision of humanitarian assistance to those most in need.

Al Jazeera

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