World News

Imran Khan rejects deal with “Enslavers,” vows to stay in jail for 9 years

Former prime minister and PTI chief Imran Khan, currently jailed in Pakistan, has stated that he would rather spend nine more years in prison than strike a deal with those he believes have enslaved his country. Speaking on the 28th Foundation Day of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, Khan strongly rejected any agreement with those responsible for the country’s alleged subjugation.

He denounced the imposition of what he called the “worst dictatorship,” which he believed was leading to the destruction of the economy, government rule, democracy, and judiciary. Khan urged individuals to play their part in halting the nation’s ruin and emphasized his unwavering commitment to freedom.

Accusing the authorities of fabricating charges, Khan claimed to have been unjustly imprisoned for the past nine months. Despite the prospect of prolonged incarceration, he affirmed that he would not compromise on his or the nation’s freedom.

Following his loss of power in April 2022, Khan has faced multiple convictions and is currently held at Adiala Jail in Rawalpindi. His party, PTI, has experienced a crackdown after clashes erupted in response to Khan’s arrest, leading to the arrest or departure of many party members.

PTI leader Shehryar Afridi recently expressed willingness to discuss the country’s security with the military leadership, excluding other political parties like the PPP or PML-N. Afridi stated that PTI would decide whether to collaborate with these parties if they abandoned their positions.

While PTI denied any secret talks with the military, earlier reports suggested pressure on Khan to accept a deal. In the February 8 election, independent candidates supported by PTI won over 90 seats in the National Assembly. Still, the PMN-L and PPP allied, preventing PTI from forming a government.

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