World News

Nationwide protests in France support Gisele Pelicot

Women marched through the streets across France on Saturday, 14 September, in solidarity with Gisele Pelicot, drugged and raped by her husband on trial for poisoning her and then making her have sex with dozens of strangers for over a decade.

The feminist organizations carried out almost 30 actions in Marseille, Paris, and other cities. A rally in the French capital, Place de la République, included signs like “Support to Gisele bid,” “Shame must change camp,” and “Victims, we believe you. ”

The case has caused much concern all over the country after the details were made public earlier this month. Pelicot has gained a Statesman-like stature as a 72-year-old icon of sexual violence resistance. In detail, her legal team suggested that she chose a public trial not only to expose sexual abuse and drug-induced blackouts but also to make people aware of such cases.

Her husband, Dominique Pelicot, 71, stands accused of raping his wife whilst she was heavily intoxicated and inviting strangers to join him. As planned, he was to testify this week, but he fell sick and can therefore not come to testify; however, he is expected in court on Monday, September 16.

Fatima Benomar, a member of the feminist movement and the “Coudes a Coudes” association, also shared her feelings by saying that Pelicot was brave and the demonstrations stand for all the victims of sexual violence.

The lawyer of Pelicot’s accused person, Beatrice Zavarro noted that Dominique has confessed to the crimes and other co-accused also but some have stated that she was only asleep. According to these charges all accused individuals in the event of conviction could be sentenced to maximum 20 years imprisonment.


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