World News

Netanyahu defends video accusing US of delayed arms shipments

Netanyahu defends charging US over arms shortfall amid ongoing talks.

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has defended publicly flagging concerns over US weapons supply, saying he only did so after repeated private attempts failed.

Chairing a cabinet meeting, Netanyahu alleged a “dramatic drop” in Israel’s arms pipeline over the past four months while thanking US President Biden for Gaza support.

However, he claimed repeated high-level appeals to speed up shipments yielded “explanations but not changes”.

While the White House maintains slowing one bomb shipment over Gaza use, Netanyahu says “certain items trickled in, bulk armaments were left behind”.

He is yet to specify which shipments are allegedly held up. The US has rejected claims, saying no country does more for Israel’s self-defense.

Last week, Netanyahu’s video reproaching the US drew pushback with a coordinator calling it “perplexing and disappointing”.

Visiting US officials have also rubbished allegations as “incorrect”. But Netanyahu stood firm, saying he would “suffer personal attacks” for Israel’s security.

As the spat continues, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has jetted to Washington for talks. The White House meanwhile noted looking forward to “constructive consultations” with Gallant.

Tensions persist even as diplomatic parleys are underway to address the issues raised by Israel’s top leadership regarding its military requirements.

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