A clip of a woman next to Prince William has brought discussion amongst Web users and led to an ample amount of speculation—everyone is trying to figure out who this woman is and whether this is really the face of the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton. Social media platforms were not an exception, as they sparked different theories and assumptions, as people closely analyzed the footage without an answer to most of the questions.
Internet users have come up with one explanation for how this video could have been a hoax run by multiple persons – body doubles. So, a woman in the video does not have to be Kate. This could be considered an accelerating effect, where the users began to formulate views about the differences in physical characteristics of the celebrities and pointed out perceived differences in higher cheekbones, distinct smiles or a seemingly slim build.
Studies after studies dictate that social media plays a much deeper role in political campaigns. When users showed their support for the prime minister by sharing the video, some of the users also started to doubt the video’s genuineness. These individuals demanded that the woman’s likeness be authenticated with a more developed visual, stating that clarity was necessary in the face.
One view is a biased perspective on a supposed PR stunt, as users questioned the presence of the king and queen in the moments shared with the world. Others even testified from their own experience, claiming that they had never met any member of the royal family in that venue, thus doubting not only the authenticity of the footage but also their ability to recognise any of the royal family members.
The future pregnancy of Kate Middleton, which could result in her disappearance from pubic events, was already being considered. Online viewers demanded reasons why, if Kate had existed in the video, the other rumours about her disappearance would not have been declined. Critics opined that a short interview or a show of live proof could have been sufficient to debunk the doubts raised about the girl in the film not being the real Doagesssh whence other people concluded that a person in the video wasn’t the Duchess of Sussex.
Although adding to the intriguing structure of the multiple theories advanced by some users, a deliberate suggestion and postulation of a misguided person hired to make a public appearance to divert attention from the ongoing speculations was proffered.
Another concern was the style of hair. While social media users discovered that women wear different hairstyles than before, others considered their hair unnaturally stiff and styled. Some were sceptical because the rate of growth of her hair since the release of the earlier image was not consistent with genuine, all casting doubts about the woman’s identity.
In the time of the rumours, some individuals suspected the woman may have employed the help of de facto surgery and held off from public shows until the recovery period. The Duke’s theory offered an alternative explanation for the Duchess’s disappearance.
Furthermore, netizens claimed that the time depicted in the video is unknown, which might refer to a person’s earlier history rather than recent activity. Some viewers asserted these details, like car number plates, so the video appears to be a version of years gone as well.
With the disparity ongoing on who the individual in the video was, social media is all over with opinions and theories, with more people even getting hooked on the exciting story until the truth of the identity issue is finally resolved.