A huge amount of time is of greatest importance because of the threat of landslides and rocks falling after the powerful earthquake that has shaken Taiwan right now, and emergency teams are struggling to save people’s lives. The death toll caused by this horrendous natural disaster now stands at 12, according to the authorities. Yet, it seems that the chances are that many more anyoners are buried underneath the debris.
The distressing atmosphere prevailed, with each second being a precious time for seeking survivors. The rescuers are pulling through the tough time as their hopes to locate those who might still be buried under the debris of the buildings that collapsed foreshadow their rescuing efforts. While the operation’s necessity cannot be denied, the constant risk of landslides and falling debris makes it much worse. These are all very real hazards for the rescuers, who are the only ones who know the area well enough to get close to a victim.
The ravage of nature has created a winning draw, and the rescuers must overcome it by maneuvering through the chaos, bypassing fallen trees, and treading on unstable ground. Each step they take is carefully planned, for, in fact, a single slip can cause a landslide or rock fall, similar to an avalanche, that might bury them along with the rescuers.
The fickle weather renders the race against time extremely difficult, which may also add to the risks posed by slips and rockfall. Aligned field rescue teams should be in top form, fully aware, and promptly responsive to changes in the status quo, adjusting their strategies accordingly.
Although the speed and difficulties of rescuership might be hard to grasp, the rescuers never give up. They are governed by the spirit of altruism, taking it as their duty to save lives and give hope to those whose catastrophe has now turned their existence into a hell of destruction.
While the rescue mission continues, the world remains in suspended animation, pulled together by the aspiration that more lives will be secured and by faith in the people of Taiwan, who, once again, demonstrate the ability to restore and overcome the catastrophe that shook their lands.