Referring to nuclear weapons, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that turning into further strikes inside of Russia is the same as playing with fire.
While the countries of the West contemplate how they can allow Ukraine to hit further into Russian territories, Russia warns the US about WWII.
Referring to threats of nuclear strikes, Lavrov said that such considerations are like playing with fire as he was briefing reporters in Moscow.
Playing with fire—and they are like kids lighting up fuses—is a very dangerous thing for grown-up uncles and aunts, that is to say, Western countries, which are entrusted with nuclear weapons one or another country,” Lavrov said according to Reuters.
Lavrov added that the occurrence of the Third World War is also imminent and will not be contained in Europe only.
“When discussing the Third World War, Americans, without any doubt, believe that, if it occurs, everyone will worry about Europe only, as Lev said, God forbid,” Lavrov noted.
Lavrov’s comments follow the appeal to let Ukraine use the weapons supplied by partners to strike significantly into Russia. Thus far, Ukraine is only permitted limited use of missiles supplied by the United States and other European partners, defensively and in the border areas of Russia. Every now and then, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has called for authorization to hit targets farther into Russia as Russia keeps attacking civilian areas in Ukraine.