The artery of Israel was a swarm of determination as more than a hundred thousand of the citizens began the long march, bending the roads to their voices and a single, cross demanding – the safe release of the abducted loved ones in Gaza. While negotiators were ironing out an accessible to the eyes only deal between Israeli and Palestinian leaders, the people’s steadfastness stayed by like an anchoring reminder of the ongoing tragedy of the conflict that has been long going.
With banners held high and chants reverberating through the air, the demonstrators sent an unmistakable message to their leaders: it is hoped that all efforts would be exhausted in order to save the safe hands of the hostages, whose families have little or no resting zones. Despite the magnitude of the rally–spreading across cities and towns in the entire country -, the warmth of the feelings that the issue has generated in Israelis’ hearts became obvious.
While diplomats from both ends were simultaneously employed in intricate negotiations, looking for a breakthrough and an agreement that might stabilize the situation, the people’s voices were still audible and refused to be suppressed. And their sheer presence served as a mute reminder that no one could ever build a wall high enough nor go far enough into the recess of weakness to withstand the warfare of life of sons and daughters, parents and well-wishers.
In the moments before the setting sun over the busy streets, the crowd’s spirit was undimmed and their determination remained undaunting amidst a seemingly endless cycle of violence and retaliation which appeared to be the main reason behind the endlessly ongoing conflict. Their unwavering resolve echoed a sentiment that transcends borders and ideologies: deep and innate human yearning for people to be reunited, for families to join up and for motherhood and fatherhood restored to its proper place.
Among such a staggering display of unity and persistent of determination to each other, this strange feeling seems to be the impetus that powers chiefs on both sides of the continent to amicably find grounds, to forget about the conflicts of the times past,