Justin Trudeau has been under immense pressure from his colleagues as the latest opinion polls show an overwhelming surge in support for the opposition Conservative Party. Canada will go to polls later this year and must have a new government before October 20.
Ottawa, Canada: Justin Trudeau resigned today as the leader of his Liberal Party of Canada, effectively ending his nine-year tenure as Canada’s Prime Minister. He now remains caretaker prime minister until his successor is chosen. The move comes amid rising dissent against him within his party. He held a press conference today outside his residence at Rideau Cottage in Ottawa, where he made the announcement in English and French.
“I have let my party and the Governor know that I’m resigning as party leader and prime minister of Canada. I will do so as soon as my successor is appointed through a robust nationwide competitive process,” Mr Trudeau said.
Mr. Trudeau, 53, continued saying that despite being a “fighter,” the parliament under his leadership is entirely “paralyzed.” He added that I prorogue the Parliament until March 24 to begin the process of selecting a new leader to lead the party and Canada until elections later this year.
He stated, “A new prime minister and leader of the party will carry its values and ideals into the next election, and I am excited to see that process unfold.”
Speaking about his regrets, Justin Trudeau said, “If I have one regret. I do wish that we’d been able to change the way we elect our governments in this country”, adding that “Voters should be allowed to pick their second and third choices on the voting ballot itself, instead of the current system, which is set up to play to the advantage of those who want to polarise the situation and play Canadians against each other.”