The US former President, Donald Trump, took time at one of his election campaigns to say he is’much better looking’ than his Democratic opponent to the White House, Kamala Harris.
“I am much better looking than her. I think I’m a better-looking person,” Trump said passionately before a large audience at the election rally in Pennsylvania, one of the swing states that will decide the result.
Trump’s rather bizarre tweet spree seems to have been set off by a column in The Wall Street Journal that said Harris was beautiful. “You can’t take a bad picture of her.
Her beauty, plus the social warmth that all who have known her over the years speak of, combine to produce: In the mode of what one columnist, Peggy Noonan, has earliedly called “radiance,”
Trump compounded it by shouting at a Republican who is vying for the US Senate from the state. “This is not allowed anymore,” Trump said to raucous applause, pointing at McCormick, a Republican Senate candidate, saying, “You know, David, don’t ever get caught in this trap.”
Nowadays the joke: “David, please don’t ever call a woman beautiful, because that will be the end of your political career.”
These daughters think you are a better-looking man than her, that ‘I am much better looking than her; I’m a better-looking person than Kamala.’ Do this with a quick insult, which also included a cruel put-down of a sketch of her on the cover of a Time magazine. He said he believed it to be either Sophia Loren or Elizabeth Taylor.
Former president Trump also went for Harris on policy and referred to the economic plan that she unveiled on Friday as a plan that will bring communism to the US. It has been termed the “Maduro plan” after Nicolas Maduro, the president of Venezuela.