Trump campaign fraud trial begins as prosecution alleges sex scandal cover-up.
The criminal trial of Donald Trump commenced amidst prosecution claims of ‘election fraud’ to conceal a sex scandal before the 2016 presidential polls. Addressing jurors, lawyers accused the former US President of conspiring with then-attorney Michael Cohen and others to ‘cook the books’ and reimburse $130,000 paid to Stormy Daniels during the campaign.
They argued that documents related to the payment were allegedly falsified in a bid to influence voters through deception, amounting to a second felony of poll interference.
Countering this, Trump’s defense said the acts might have been intended to sway people but influencing elections is not illegal. Their client committed no crimes, the lawyer added.
Tabloid head David Pecker also testified how he discussed hushing up the claims with Cohen to shield Trump after the Access Hollywood tape release exacerbated the matter.
While prosecutors stressed documentary evidence was needed to prove the cover-up was ultimately for donations, experts noted swaying jurors on poll rigging may be difficult.
Much could hinge on testimony from key witness Cohen and whether he backs past statements implicating Trump with supporting documents, observers suggested.
The high-profile six-week trial continues to witness cross-examination on the allegations forming the largest criminal case against a former US President.