World News

Trump urges evangelicals to vote, backs Ten commandments in Schools

Trump backs display of Ten Commandments, urges evangelical vote.

At a gathering of evangelicals, former US President Donald Trump voiced support for Louisiana becoming the first state to make the Ten Commandments mandatory in schools.

Addressing the Faith & Freedom Coalition meeting, Trump hailed the move as a “first major step” in religious revival needed nationwide. He has endorsed the idea on his Truth Social app as well.

Urging influential evangelicals to impact the 2024 Presidential elections, Trump said they “cannot afford the sidelines” and jokingly chanted “Go and vote Christians, please!” White evangelical Christians constituted 20% of 2020 voters, with eight in ten backing Trump’s candidature.]

Referring to Christianity ostensibly facing threats, the former leader touched on perceived slips in freedom, law, and border security. He made controversial remarks seeking UFC head Dana White‘s view on setting up a “migrant league” of tough fighters.

“I think the migrant guy might win, that’s how tough they are. He didn’t like that idea too much,” Trump stated. While desiring their November vote, Trump said he didn’t care if they voted post that in comments critiqued as polarizing.

Later that day, Trump addressed another rally in Philadelphia cementing his pitch to an evangelical base critical to electoral chances amid multiple ongoing investigations.

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