World News

UN Chief warns Israeli policies undermine two-state solution

Israel is gradually eliminating the possibility of a two-state solution with the Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, and this warning was made by the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, Francis.

Citing developments in the West Bank, Guterres Wednesday told the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) that, by administrative and legal means, Israel is establishing a new geography in the West Bank and expects that installation of settlements would increase due to large-scale land grab in proclaimed strategic domains and innovations in planning, land management and governance.

Recent changes are making a mockery of any chance for a two-stater solution which is a much-needed proposition in the Middle East, Guterres said as his spokesperson Courtenay Rattray read out the statement.

The UN Secretary-General has made the remarks, whereas more Israel military operations in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem have been intensified, Palestinian arrests, and settlers’ violence since the beginning of the Israel war on Gaza in October.

He also mentioned that recently, punitive actions were made by Israel against the Palestinian Authority; Israel legalised five of its outposts in the territory of the West Bank that has been occupied by Israel since 1967.

“We must change direction,” said Guterres, calling for all settlement activities to stop. All parties to the Gaza conflict must cease fire and must stop the hostilities immediately. The secretary-general has stressed the release of hostages.

The protest, which was waved by two women wearing black tops with signs saying ‘Free Israelis in Captivity of Palestinians’ momentarily interrupted the Unsco meeting, and they were immediately ejected. UN security, without delay, requested the women to leave the chamber.

Regarding the topics, the session was dedicated to Israel’s operation in the Gaza Strip and the situation in the besieged territory. Palestinian envoy to the UN, Riyad Mansour, said that Israel is committing “the most documented genocide in history”. In contrast, in its turn, Israeli envoy Gilad Erdan accused Hamas of crimes against humanity and holding Israeli hostages.

It gives the international community pause about the future of the two-state solution as violence increases and the chances for its realization decrease.

Al Jazeera

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