World News

United States strengthens alliances to counter China’s unfair economic practices

The United States has reiterated that it will further reinforce the partnership between countries like India, Australia, and Japan, as declared by President Joe Biden. With his lineup of remarks on racial disparagement in his State of the Union Speech, President Biden indicated the unfair trading practices of China he is against and their effect on peace in the Taiwan Strait. The president has stressed the importance of healthy competition against China; however, he pointed out that the U.S. is not seeking conflict with this country.

In the middle of his term in office on December 6, 2021, when he will seek re-election in November, President Biden explained America’s role in this century’s 21st-century battle against China. He declared that the United States is backing up for equality in Beijing’s economic practices while promoting peace across the Taiwan Strait. As Biden pointed out, returning to these partnerships in the Pacific region, including India, Australia, Japan, and South Korea, is important.

For China, Taiwan is a breakaway military move that demands military combat with the self-governed island. Now, this worry is all around the world and also in America. Biden mentioned that not just his statements prove whose country is racy internationally, unlike the Republicans’ arguments that China is now overtaking the US.

The President emphasized the prosperous economy, evident if we look at the GDP growth since his office was assumed, alongside the trade deficit with China, which is now at its lowest five years after. Biden did not mention his attempts to keep the most advanced US defense technologies away from China’s warfare activities, which did not happen on his predecessor’s watch.

The President noted that the United States is more powerful than ever and can beat the serious competition from China and other leaders on the global stage of the era of digitalization and innovation. As the November presidential elections draw near, the chances are high that Biden may be getting a chance to take on his Republican rival — former president Donald Trump.

In the course of his speech, Biden was seen lamenting Trump on several fields, ranging from his recent comment regarding Russian President Vladimir Putin, immigration policies, the January 6 insurrection, the government push on abortion and gun control.

The Indian Express

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