World News

UNSC adopts ceasefire resolution for Gaza; Russia abstains from vote

UN Security Council adopts resolution on Gaza ceasefire proposal.

The UN Security Council has approved a resolution endorsing a ceasefire blueprint for Gaza tabled by the United States. Of the 15 member states, 14 voted in favor, while Russia abstained from the ballot at the Monday session.

The adopted text welcomed a phased plan US President Joe Biden outlined, seeking a six-week truce in Gaza. It involves a prisoner swap between Israel and Hamas along with humanitarian aid flow into the region.

Subsequent stages, as per the drafted proposal, include a permanent ceasefire and complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza. This will be followed by massive reconstruction work.

Acknowledging the resolution, Hamas expressed willingness to cooperate through indirect talks for implementing the endorsed principles. However, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed reservations over some clauses.

The consensus vote places the onus on Israel to adhere to the terms of the UN-backed agreement, with observers noting the country was surprised at the outcome.

With all council members now backing the motion, focus shifts to ensuring due implementation on the ground, especially amid lingering doubts over lasting peace.

Stakeholders will be scrutinized to honor the resolution’s spirit and de-escalate decade-old conflict according to geopolitical realities.

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