American voters are already caught between the rock and the hard place with the 2024 presidential race at hand.A repeat of Biden vs. Trump is a rematch, and recent polls indicate that citizens are weary of the two establishment candidates. After all, the voters in today’s era are more willing to dare to vote for an independent or a third-party option to mix up the competition. It might be a long shot, but the polls show that the public is willing to hesitantly accept the alternative offered by the two frontrunners from the Democratic and Republican parties.
Yet, we have not had any independent candidate who stands a chance of becoming the president so far. However, a strong, undecided candidate is not yet there, resulting in Biden and Trump getting more attention. Nevertheless, political experts consider that an independent might disrupt the race, again, in case of the same photo finish.
Besides a close contest, these independents’ finite support may make things better or worse for them. It could sound rather unrealistic, but no modern-day president has been the predecessor of George Washington without direct family relations. Nevertheless, the polls are our national soul – the irritation with politics as usual and a desire for changes. While the old guard stands divided by Biden and Trump in 2024, voters might choose risky.
That said, do not be surprised by the fact that a not-so-famous candidate may still shake the race. America is still on the first day of its flirtation with an independent identity.