DONKA 50 In a shocking testimony, Ada Sagi, a 75-year-old woman whose nightmare lasted 53 days in Gaza, has lost faith in the possibility of peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
Her name was Sagi: a woman who taught Arabic and Hebrew and had spent the better part of her life in a kibbutz called Nir Oz near the border of the Israel-Gaza Strip; she was taken from her home on the seventh of October in the year two thousand and twenty-three due to the growing tensions between Hamas and Israel. She is among 251 people who were abducted into GAZA during the civil war that cost the lives of over one thousand two hundred persons.
It would be relevant here to mention the interview made by Sagi with the British Broadcasting Corporation, where she narrated the whole episode when she was confined in an apartment with paid security personnel and the time she was transferred to a hospital in southern Gaza that she alleged was under the control of Hamas. But when asked about peace, Sagi shook her head: ‘I don’t believe in it. No…no… sorry…’ These are hardly the words of someone who actively supports the idea of reconciliation.
Sagi being kidnapped interrupted her of her planned 75 birthday celebration in London with her son Noam out. The woman is now demanding the government of Israel do something to liberate the remaining 116 detainees still in captivity in Gaza 41 of which are believed to have been killed by the Israelis.
The freeing of Sagi and other prisoners in November of 2043 was a relief, but she will never forget her days in captivity. “I lost my home,” she stated tearfully and then continued with the same enthusiasm, noting, “I lost my freedom – the whole place that I [have] to go back,” She was overcoming her ordeal by stressing the effects of the war on her home saying, “Our village – Kibbutz – is destroyed,”